Thich Nhat Hanh’s Six Mantras of Communication

Thich Nhat Hanh’s six mantras of communication are simple yet powerful phrases designed to create mindful and compassionate interactions on a soul level, thus helping build deeper, more compassionate relationships.

 Here they are:

“I am here for you.”: You are fully present and attentive to the other person.

“I know you are there, and I am happy.”: You acknowledge the other person's presence and express joy in their existence.

“I know you suffer, and that is why I am here for you.”: You express empathy and a willingness to support the other person in their suffering.

“I suffer, and I want you to know it.”: You express your own suffering and trust the other for understanding and emotional support.

“This is a happy moment.”: You recognize and appreciate the present moment with gratitude and joy.

“You are partly right.”: You acknowledge the validity of the other person’s perspective, promoting understanding and reducing conflict.

Use them daily. And watch your relationships transform.